Category: Uncategorized
Understanding Research Computing Account Limits and Billing
When managing research computing accounts, it’s useful to think of each account like a credit card. These accounts don’t hold money, but they do have a spending limit. Here’s a breakdown of how this analogy works and how different accounts and spending limits are managed.
Understanding the Accounts and Spending Limits
- The <PI>0 Account example:
Threading and Tasks on the Cluster
To give you some background “hyperthreading”, that is the ability for a single physical core to run more threads than 1, is turned off on the cluster by default because it does not work well with most HPC codes.
So the “maximum” threads a node in the standard partition can have is 36 since there Continue Reading »
What’s the deal with wallclock time?
Max Wallclock Time and Requesting Wallclock Time on the UMich Cluster
If you’re a user on the UMich cluster, you may be familiar with the maximum wallclock time allowed on the cluster – 2 weeks. But have you ever faced a dilemma when it comes to requesting wallclock time for your jobs? If you request Continue Reading »
Useful Pages
We have some useful pages up.
We have a page on getting started with Linux.
A page on getting started with the cluster.
And a page on getting started with Globus.